
To booze or not to booze, that is the question (this new survey just asked)

Manuela Lpez Restrepo

A new Pew survey out last Friday examines how people feel about their own alcohol use and drinking habits. The survey, conducted between Feb. 24 and March 2 of this year, focused on adults in the U ...[Continue Reading]


1 day ago

Recent News (General)


Exclusions Make Contractor Coverage Elusive, Builders Say. Appeals Court Disagrees

William Rabb

A federal appeals court decision handed down last week is a victory for a Liberty Mutual surplus carrier, but it highlights what one attorney said is a widespread problem in the construction industry ...[Continue Reading]

Insurance Journal

1 day ago


Cautionary Tales True Lies and Genuine Fakes

Tim Harford

This episode is released exclusively on Pushkin+. Episodes are released on the main feed each Friday. In 1998, an art gallery gets a mysterious phone call. The caller claims they have been fooled by ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago


What to pair with West African flavours

Joel Hart

In February 2024, Adejok Bakare became the first black woman in the UK to be awarded a Michelin star for Chishuru, her restaurant reimagining Nigerian and Ghanaian dishes. Now in new central London ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago


Trump Organization Sues Woke Capital One for Canceling Accounts


President Donald Trumps company sued Capital One Financial Corp., accusing it of illegally de-banking him for political reasons by abruptly canceling hundreds of accounts for his sprawling real es ...[Continue Reading]

Insurance Journal

1 day ago


In Syrian villages cut off from the world, a grisly massacre took place

Stephanie March

Hundreds possibly thousands have been killed in Syria amid reports of massacres and executions by both pro-government and opposing forces, creating the biggest challenge Syria's President has faced s ...[Continue Reading]

ABC News (AU)

1 day ago